ALMC Fellowship Groups
Women’s Society of Christian Service, better known by its initials WSCS, is a ministry within the Church for women above the age of 34 years. The main purpose of WSCS is to help women grow in Christian maturity and unite them in Christian service. WSCS at ALMC was started on the 3rd September 2024. We meet on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 9:00 pm online. Welcome to be a part of WSCS!
Coordinators: Upasana Amit +9181420 42781 or Wintlin Christopher +9196000 89664

Sunday School
Sunday School at ALMC was started in April 2022 when the worship service was shifted to the Mornings.
The Sunday School meets every Sunday. The Children attend a part of the worship service and breakout into the Sunday School after the Pastoral Prayer. They have a time of singing songs, learning actions, learning memory verses etc. The Children are divided into four classes and we follow an age-appropriate curriculum and complete the activities in the book. We are catering to kids from 2 to 15 years. The Children lead an entire Worship Service in the month of November commemorating World Sunday School Sunday and Children’s Day.
If you are looking for an English Sunday School for your Children please do connect with us!
Sunday School leadership: Mrs. Sneha Gurram: +91 98408 36980

Sunday School at ALMC was started in April 2022 when the worship service was shifted to the Mornings.
The Methodist Men’s Fellowship was launched two months ago, with our inaugural meeting held in October. We gather online every third Tuesday of the month at 8:30 PM for a 45-minute session. Our discussions are centered around the monthly theme aligned with the church calendar. Additionally, we dedicate time to share testimonies, prayer requests, and pray for one another. If you’d like to join this fellowship, please reach out to John Vasanth +919841604403 or John Dinakaran

The Methodist Youth Fellowship is a group of enthusiastic young people between the ages 17-25 who love the Lord & fellowship with other young people to grow in the Lord! ALMX MYF was started by Mr. Duncan Clark in his apartment on the 21st January 2024. Initially we met once a month face to face.
ALMC MYF meets on the 4th Sundays in JBBH, at 11:15 am and on Tuesdays online via GMeet at 10:00 pm for a time of Worship, learning from the Word, Prayer and Fellowship. Come join us. Invite your friends along too!

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